Meet the Community– Pigshill and Clarrick Woods CIC 

Pigshill and Clarrick Woods CIC manage the area of woodland that runs the length of the valley overlooking the estuary at Millbrook, from Maker to Mount Edgecumbe. The woods are managed with three main objectives in mind:community, ecology and sustainability. As well as enabling public access through a network of permissive trails, they offer volunteer opportunities for individuals and groups to learn about woodland management. The group produces a number of different woodland products for sale directly to the public and via local outlets, including firewood, milled timber, hazel stakes and charcoal. Ecology guides all management decisions, if you visit the woods you will see a  range of habitats including areas of scrub, coppice, and mixed-broadleaved woodland - many areas of the woods are ancient woodland. 

The woodlands has a network of permissive paths enabling recreation access for walkers, cyclists and horse riders.  

Always open, the closest entrance to Maker Heights is beside the ‘lookout bench’ opposite the bottom of Maker drive.
07539 680 240


Pigshill and Clarrick Woods CIC 

Come and visit us soon!