Friday Oct 4th

12:30 - 13:35 | Hermetic Visions in a Troubled World | 1h 6m

These two films follow feelings of isolation, conflict, and colonialism. Both have elements of visual or spoken poetry, showcased through stunning shots and truly moving imagery. Not quite documentaries, these films highlight the lives of those affected by massive change.

Book tickets 

Graziano - A Hermit's Story
Jozefien Van der Aelst / 40m / Belgium

“Amidst the majestic mountains, Graziano's hermetic existence unravels, unveiling a melancholic world. The film invites viewers to reflect on the universal human experience of longing and the search for connection, all set against a backdrop of isolation and resilience.“

Jozefien Van der Aelst (1996, BE) is a film director and writer. In her docu-fictional worlds, she explores the relationship between humans and nature.

Pouring Water on Troubled Oil
Nariman Massoumi / 25m / UK

“Combining colonial archive photographs with Dylan Thomas's lyrical prose, this poetic film accompanies Thomas on his journey, capturing his encounter with Iran, its people, and his haunting vision of oil, as a political upheaval for oil nationalisation unfolds.”

Nariman Massoumi (b. Tehran, 1980) is a filmmaker and Senior Lecturer in Film and Television at University of Bristol (UK), with an impressive portfolio of short films and documentaries for the BBC.

Come and visit us soon!