Rame Conservation Trust Archive

Rame Conservation Trust Archive

The Rame Conservation Trust Archive is a project to record, catalogue, preserve, and make accessible the rich history of Maker Heights.  Its growing collection of documents is searchable through the Discovery system on the National Archives website.

We welcome enquiries from interested researchers, historians and academics. As our archive is not open to the general public at this time, please contact us and one our heritage team will be able to talk through your requirements or arrange a visit.

The Rame Conservation Trust creates and collects documents, maps, plans, and photographs that form an important resource for understanding the rich history of Maker Heights. The Trust Archive brings all this material together to create a resource for historians and researchers.

This archive is searchable on Discovery, a system that provides a way to explore archival collections from The National Archives and more than 2,500 archives across the UK, including that of the Rame Conservation Trust.

Click on this link to visit Discovery on the National Archive website.

In 2025 the project will start to make a selection of its documents accessible through the Maker Heights website, so please revisit to discover more.

Come and visit us soon!