Sunday Oct 5

16:00 - 17:30
Sonic Rituals
1h 11m / plus Director Q&A

International short films

From carnivals and rituals to music video and musique concrète, these films explore the relationship between sound and the moving image. They may beat and buzz, or equally lull us into contemplation, taking us on a journey of imagistic and sonic exploration.

Book tickets 

Nomadism, temporal connection and new feminine longings
Maria Bilbao Herrera / 4m / Venezuela

This film explores themes of dance, rituals and home. Caraqueña and nomad by nature, Maria has lived and worked in 9 cities in the last 20 years. As an artist and organiser, she merges creative expression, critical thought with self proposing participatory, and collaborative/experimental experiences that incorporate performance video/sound.

Chuva, suor e cerveja (Rain, sweat and beer)
Andy Alastair Cumming / 4m / Brazil

“The Carnival of 1970s Rio de Janeiro is captured on faded Super 8 film found in a flea market. In times of the military dictatorship in Brazil the people celebrate and dance accompanied by an engrossing soundtrack of drones, Amazonian ritual dances and the famous Gaviões samba school.”

Cummings works as a teacher, translator and writes about Brazilian experimental music for Songlines magazine, Sounds and Colours, and occasionally The Wire.

And Breathe
Janine Rook / 2m / UK

Local to the Rame Peninsula, this creative project is a short film made to accompany a piece of music by ‘Ocean Moon’ featuring vocals by ‘Seaming To’.

Narcisse and the Travel Agency
Lea Lanoe, Pierre Borel, Joyce Lainé, Katherine Bauer, Loïc Verdillon / 18m / France

Le Ratoire is a filmmaking collective composed of members from two film labs based in France, namely: Katherine Bauer, Joyce Lainé, and Loïc Verdillon, from Atelier MTK in Grenoble, and Léa Lanoë, and Pierre Borel from Labo L’argent in Marseille. Narcisse and the Travel Agency is a captivating short film experimenting with refracted light and sound.

The New Eves x Matilda Butler at Nanjizal Cove
Matilda Butler / 3m / UK

“This film is a collaboration with the ethereal folk-rock band The New Eves while they were visiting Cornwall on a writing residency summer 2023. Shot on only one roll of Super8, the film emerged from the day that we spent together visiting the sacred Nanjizal cave. Having not yet seen the footage, the group then wrote and recorded a piece of music onto a tape cassette inspired by the day. This piece of work is the marrying of both our experiences visually and sonically.”

World of Light
Janine Rook / 6m / UK

Short film made to accompany a piece of music by Ocean Moon journeying into the World of Light.

Nicole Blundell / 4m / Canada

Geométrika is a mathematical odyssey that invites viewers on an experimental journey through the geometric wonders of the universe, reminiscent of watching floaters under your eyelids. Shot on 16mm and hand painted and developed.

Zero Feet Zero Inches
Timothy James Nohe / 3m /USA

A datamosh video employing materials sourced from historic footage at This piece features a performance of Variations V by John Cage, with the Merce Cunningham Company and Apollo footage from NASA. Sound created on a modular synthesizer, using recordings of John Cage as foundational elements.

grain cloud atmosphere
Martin Moolhuijsen / 7m / Germany

120 metres of handpainted 35mm film have been digitised as single pictures and then fed into a self developed editing software that shuffles the individual images according to certain parameters such as painterly technique and colour. The film is the result of one hour of improvisation with that software.

Bruised Fruit & Underfed Flora
Justin Clifford Rhody / 6m / USA

Beginning with a soundtrack that Rhody composed from recordings by long-time collaborator, Jeremy Kennedy, the structure and visual anatomy of the film was then constructed around its sonic form. The interplay, independence and connection between the two components intuitively create an indefinite non-linear narrative, resulting in Bruised Fruit & Underfed Flora.

Hugo Villegas / 3m / Mexico

A tribute using 16mm film, to the phenomena that although it could be measured, still are unpredictable.

Abigail Smith / 2m /USA

Smith’s Thread series uses machine sewn techniques to create abstractions on film that explore the medium’s relationship to motion and mechanics, the relationship between passing film through a sewing machine and film passed, or “threaded” through a camera or projector.

The Voice
Robert Cahen / 10m / France

“The images of this short film are linked to the concrete music by Michel Chion, and let the monologue of Saint Antoine (Pierre Schaeffer's voice) unfold and offer itself completely. The imagery, presented in parallel pictures, is intended to be earthy and close to nature, rediscovering, when necessary, the material which is offered in a metaphor surrounded by mists.”

Come and visit us soon!