Saturday October 5

14:00 - 15:30
Strange Letters from the Inner Eye
1h 15m plus Director Q&A

International short films

Introspective and emotionally explorative themes are conveyed within these films. Contemplations of the human condition and mortality examined with dream-like creative sensitivity.

Book tickets 

The Interior Frontier
Justin Clifford Rhody / 20m / USA

“The Interior Frontier operates in a confused time-state of period dress and modern society, between fact and fiction; dealing with silence as sound, the invisible war of female life, tornado as existence, and the world's largest hand dug hole.”

Justin Clifford Rhody is a filmmaker, photographer, curator and sound artist based in Santa Fe, New Mexico. His work has been exhibited and published both nationally and internationally in museums, galleries, film festivals, universities, books, and records.

Purple Cloud
Grau del Grau / 8m / USA

A melancholic purple tinted experimental film by Grau Del Grau. Their work has been shown at the Ann Arbor Film Festival, Images, Champs-Élysées Film Festival, Cosmic Rays, and Riga International Film Festival..

Lauren Marie Dake / 5m / USA

Serendipity is a short handmade 16mm film about hopefulness and joy found amidst the sometimes dark chaos of life. Lauren Marie Dake is an interdisciplinary artist from Seattle, WA and an MFA candidate at MassArt. She experiments with analog film, hand drawn animation, and soundscape composition in an ongoing attempt to question the capacity and possibilities of the moving image.

Dear Christine
Éloïse Baille / 9m / France

Filmed on Super 8 reels that were developed by hand, Éloïse Baille creates a beautiful and moving letter to her friend Christine. 

[Please note, this film contains discussions surrounding abuse]

Lubnah Ansari / 11m / United Arab Emirates

“Amidst ongoing censorship, a transcendental dream realm allows for the exploration of illegible resistances.”

Lubnah Ansari is an artist and researcher who explores exercises of silences, intimacies, and agencies in India and the Gulf.

This month’s birth
Reeba George / 7m / UK

This month’s birth, captures George’s own experiences and reflections, using the personal significance of Chantal Akerman and the language of cinema to express the ineffable complexities of life and death.

The Tree
Tyro Heath / 5m / UK

“After searching for the dream structure for many years, an artist builds an installation in a rewilded field in Dorset one summer, and continues her journey of loss and remembrance.”

Tyro is an award-winning writer, director and photographer based in London working in fiction and documentary.

[Please note, this film has themes of loss and grief.]

and the sea is ashen
Sébastien Berlendis / 11m / France

“In a room, a man remembers various french and italian spaces. Intertwined sea and mountain landscapes, pieces of beach, a sea wall. The film, shot in super 8, brings together, in its narration, different forms: it is between the first person documentary, the poetic essay, and experimental fiction.”

Come and visit us soon!